Hauser & Wirth

The cover is made of overlapping, offset panels to reveal the title of the book.

Each panel is similarly type-set and comes together as an accordion "brochure".

The opening page is a map displaying both of the Hauser&Wirth locations in New York.

Single sections can be opened for information about current, past and upcoming exhibits.

Each page lists the title, date, location as well as a short description of the exhibit.

The panels allow for the readers to flip through as a regular book, or expand each accordion section to view entirely.

I decided to treat this not as a book, but a product –– this way, I not only had to pay attention to the typography and layout of the book, but also had to design the user's interaction with the book. The physical format and unconventional folding plays a large part in the reading experience and design of the book.

The main goal of the project was to define paragraph and character styles to apply throughout the designs. Different pieces of information (artist name, show title, description, days on view, etc) had to be signified exclusively through a type hierarchy.

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